Here’s a brief list of why I wanted to share more of our story through these posts:
- When we tell our stories, the little details and the big details, it reminds us how significant that story is. Someone else hears it with new ears and helps you realize your story holds weight, deserves a spot in space & time, it is powerful and should be told.
- It also shows the listener more of God’s glory and beauty and sovereignty. Our story in many ways is not written by us. It feels even more magnified as we had very little control over all the events that took place during Jack’s 35 days here on Earth. In some ways that is frustrating - in other ways it gives light to the story He wrote - not the story I had planned.
- it’s cathartic for me. Sometimes keeping a story in my head makes me distracted - I spend mental energy on trying to remember every detail and it would just be easier to get it all out on paper and then breathe. It’s like it’s busting at the seams in my brain and wants to get out.
- it’s a way of remembering. Reliving feelings and thoughts and sitting in them a little longer. Rewriting the narrative - in a season of grief, I often need that. I need to sit and digest in the remembering and remind myself of the truth.
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